Brown Sugar Glazed Carrots

     Glazed carrots are a classic side dish which we happen to be making for a chicken lunch. Along with potato dishes that the other groups are making and the french bread that our group is baking, the glazed carrots nicely compliment the other side dishes and the main course. Boiling the carrots in butter and brown sugar take them away from the normal, everyday recipe for simple boiled carrots, and not that we have anything against them, but we prefer to add a twist to basic vegetables. When we’re older and if we have kids, this might come in handy.
Brown Sugar Carrots
Serves 4 – 6


  • 16 oz chopped carrots
  • 2 T butter
  • 1/3 c brown sugar
  • 1 c water
  1. Gently mix the ingredients in a medium saucepan. Allow the sugar to dissolve.
2.  Bring to a boil over high heat
3.  Reduce to medium heat and boil uncovered until water has evaporated (20-25 min)

Upon finishing the carrots, they turned out okay. We wished they could have boiled a little longer in the brown sugar and butter and been cut a little thinner, but they turned out soft and still quite yummy.